SHARES Pupil Parliament donate over 883.1 Kg food to Skelmersdale Food bank!!
11th January 2016
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During October and November the SHARES Pupil Parliamentarians along with their own school councils have been asking people in their school to donate food to go into Skelmersdale FoodBanks Christmas Hampers. Children have done a number of different things to promote the food bank such as assemblies, creating jingles and holding class competitions.
When the children first arrived at the food bank they weighed the bags and boxes of food that each school had brought in, they then took the food upstairs to where it is stored and sorted. They checked the dates on everything that was brought in and anything out of date wasn’t used, it then went in to boxes of the same food type, for example all the pasta went together, or all the jam etc.
The children thoroughly enjoyed this task and took it in turns to either weigh, write dates or store the food and they were all very disappointed when it was time to go.
In total the Skelmersdale and Upholland Pupil Parliament collected a whopping 883.1 Kg!!!
A massive well done to all the schools and families that contributed to this great cause this Christmas. A lady who volunteers at the food bank said that they weren’t sure whether they would actually have enough food before our visit today, but thanks to everyone involved the quantity of food doubled!!! So what an achievement, here at the SHARES office we are delighted at the effort that everybody made, so thank you very much!